Nothing here yet! :)


this is a roleplay blog for fareeda ahmed, a fandomless original character set in my own lore. i am heavily private and selective for my own good, so if i don't follow you, please don't take it personally. i've been in the rpc for a while now and i am more interested in keeping my dash comfortable.this is a fandomless original character, so i own fareeda and the world / wip they’re from and i take ownership of them. please do not take anything without permission. i will notice and i will not hesitate to approach you. any graphic posted was made by me, unless otherwise stated! credit for my psd and carrd goes to plutocommissions.this is mostly a plotting based blog, so starter calls are not posted often. the best way to interact is by sending memes ( you can send me them at any time, even if they're old! ) and messaging me to plot.don't interact with me if you do not know how to communicate properly. i'm not trying to sound mean, but i have no interest in drama. if i do something that upsets you, please just dm me. my top priority is feeling comfortable on this blog.there are certain fandoms i won't follow back unless we're close. it's nothing against you if you write a muse from there, but i have had a few experiences with fandoms that does not make me want to interact with them. to name some: harry potter, most anime fandoms ( not anime in general ), etc. please send me a message if you want to know if you're exempt from this.since we're talking about following, do not follow me if you’re racist, homophobic, transphobic, islamophobic, a pedophile, etc or support any of those things. stay away from me.

i will also not write with people who demonize, disrespect or make fun of the pantheons and paganism. while i will write with pjo muses, i have incredible issues with how rr wrote the gods, so please message me first before assuming anything. i love talking about myth and my lore anyway, so it wouldn't hurt to, i just said that i am okay with talking about mythology, but please don't use me as a source. i have had a few experiences where people only spoke to me if they wanted to know something about egyptian mythology and in general used my blogs as an aesthetic source, so just be respectful. i enjoy talking about things like these, but i notice when this is the only thing you come to me for.there are obviously a lot of " problematic " fcs, so i won't be listing every single fc, but to summarize: don't follow me if your fc is a zionist, racist, transphobic, or did something awful in general.unless we are close friends ( and please do ask before assuming ), please refrain from using she / her pronouns with me and use he / they more. the same goes for feminine terms, but i am more lenient with that.this blog's focus is not shipping. while i am multiship, i am more interested in developing fareeda as a character and other dynamics for them platonic, rivals, etc. that being said, chemistry must be there for us to do something between our muses.i will tag everything i see fitting for a tw with ( TRIGGER / ) if you see a post that i do not tag, and you need it to be tagged, let me know. my im’s are always open for mutuals, and asks are available for name is inaya, i'm 21+ and my pronouns are she / they / he. i'm a brown trans lesbian and i am currently in grad school! i used to go by layla and was mostly found on @/ambertinged. my discord is open to mutuals. it’s nice meeting you!



NAME. — fareeda ahmed.
TITLES. — seer, high priest of ra, lady of the uraeus, maa kheru ( true of voice ), matron of the divine truth.
NICKNAMES. — little firebird.
AGE. — twenty four.
PLACE OF BIRTH. — apsai, khasom.
CURRENT RESIDENCE. — found in apsai.
SPECIES.human. seer.
RELIGION. — polytheist.
PATRON. — hathor.
GENDER. — female.
PRONOUNS. — she / her.
SEXUALITY. — bisexual.
LANGUAGES SPOKEN. — standard arabic, egyptian arabic, coptic, english.
OCCUPATION. — journalist, high priest of ra.


HEIGHT. — 5'6''
BODY BUILD. — slim.
HAIR. — dark brown.
EYES. — dark brown.
SKIN COLOR. — brown.
NOTABLE TRAITS. — the red tattoo around her eyes, red eye tattoos on her hand, mischievous grin, bluntness.
TATTOOS. — red tattoo on the upper front in the shape of an all - seeing eye, which extends to the back of her head. red eye tattoos on the back of her right hand.
PIERCINGS. — ear piercings.
SCARS. — scar on her right lower arm.


UNKNOWN. — human. biological mother.
UNKNOWN. — human. biological father.
AHMED HANY. — human. adoptive father.
SHAHD FAHMY. — human. adoptive mother.
AMIR AHMED. — human. adoptive brother.


Accelerated Probability. — the power to predict what choices one could make and their potential outcomes. she can perceive the information of any situation and use the variables of that information to predict / perceive the paths that lead to certain outcomes will occur, based on what choices are made.
Death Sense. — the power to sense the coming of death and the actual act of dying. she can determine when someone is dead or dying or if others have died in a specific location.
Divination. — the ability to gain insight into a question or situation using a standardized process or ritual. she can employ divination, a method of reading the future, the present and the past and provide help to a problem at hand.
Flash Precognition. — the ability to see things seconds or minutes before they happen. she is able to see into a short - term future if usually only seconds or minutes worth. while useless for long predictions, it does give several practical advantages.
Psychometry. — the power to perceive the residual information of an object and person. she obtains historical memories or sensations concerning beings and objects they observe. with objects, she gains knowledge including the makers, users, and even those who have on passing used the object, and what has been done with it.
Evil Eye. — The power to inflict harm on a person by gaze. it is not limited to: laying horrific curses, inflicting pain and suffering, knocking people out and even killing people. she may also be able to affect inanimate objects with this power.
